
Friday, December 20, 2013

96% of Start-up Fund Raised!

 After just a month and half, we can say we are just 4% ($66) away  from being ready to leave for the Navajo Reservation and our work near Farmington, NM.  Keep us in prayer in the next few weeks as we contact possible duplex and apartments for housing.  We will be also packing our 2002 Dodge Neon, "Stormy", and seeing if Rob's bike, "Monsoon", fits on the roof rack we're buying.  It will be a busy month or so, as we prepare to move!
What a Christmas gift this as been and totally unexpected!  Literally, we went from 12% funded to 96% in a single Sunday.  It was December 15th, which is also our anniversary!  An anniversary/Christmas gift all in one!   Thank you to everyone who has given thus far!  We will still be need monthly supporters... but our start up fund is nearly full!  Ahe'hee'!  Thank you!

~ Rob and Michelle Nickles

1 comment:

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    do, you should check them out!
