
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Gypsy Dakota has Died!

Poor Gypsy Dakota, our 1997 Dodge Dakota, has died in a puff of smoke and a flash of heat.  Her transmission was threatening to die for weeks, and now she has gone to truck heaven.  We had gone to get a Christmas tree, and she made it all the way to Gallup and clear back to the bottom of the Thoreau Exit, about a mile and half from home.  Some friends helped us haul her home... figure out what to do with her later.  Keep us in prayer as this means we have no wheels, and Gallup is over 30 miles away.

~ Rob and Michelle Nickles

Thursday, November 24, 2011


 Twas an interesting day, this first Thanksgiving in New Mexico...  Work today was very calm and peaceful, a few people needing table cloth covers but that was all.  At least, having to work I dont have be there for the Black Friday madness.  As I was there so early, I bought myself a beautiful train pocket watch, as my eagle one has died... Needed it to keep track of time for lunch and brakes.  They had a feast for us at work, the whole works, but I did not pig out, as Robby promised a feast at home too...

I got home from my 60 plus mile journey to work and back, and delightful smells greeted me at the door.  Robby had me take a long hot bath, as the eve is cold, and put on fresh clothing.  In the mean time, he put finishing touches on our feast...  I am so proud of him.  He really out did himself!

I am so thankful for being here in Dine Bikeyah,  our warm home,  Robby, our friends, and most of all my Savior, Iosa (Jesus)!  Thanksgiving blessings to all!

~ Michelle

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Casa Rosa

Rob and I live in a little checkerboard community called Thoreau in northeastern New Mexico.  Surrounding us on most sides is the Navajo Reservation.  Thoreau is a typical rez community: small, not much to do, and alot of people to meet.

For us, we did not expect to move to Thoreau.  We were just looking for a place close to the rez where we could live near the missions field and maybe rent some land.  Little did we expect to find an older mobile home with an acre of land on a street called Rose.  The place is a fixer upper, but what missionary home isn't?  We'll write more about "home"...

~ Rob and Michelle Nickles

Monday, June 6, 2011

Crazy Summer

Here we are at Broken Arrow Bible Ranch for the Summer. I am planing on a week long trip to Kansas to visit friends and family come July.  Still no new funds for rent, as our support has dwindled.  It is not easy...  we are not free to return as of yet to support raise, so are having to be creative.  We were able to babyset over the weekend, and that is what paid the phone bill.  Praise God for that.

Robby is busy this week at BABR with his campers, they are such cute little guys ranging in age from 8 to 12.  I am helpin' with the worship team on weeknights.

~ Michelle

Friday, April 22, 2011

Gypsy - Michelle's Bike

Joy of joys!  I was blessed today to be able to add a bicycle back into my life.  She is blue and silver, and I have dubbed her "Gypsy", as it seams the truck, "Gypsy Dakota" might not be with us long.  At last I can ride about as in the old days... I can fly on my wheels and feel the wind in my face.   Truly, having a bike to get around even for short rides, here in Flagstaff and on the Rez, keeps me from going crazy.  I dont feel so trapped.  Sure walking is cool, but riding "Gypsy" is better!

~ Michelle

PS:  Thank you Pastor David Hart for this blessing!

Friday, March 25, 2011

A Week of Travels

What a week it has been, traveling all over the eastern side of the Navajo Reservation.  From Kinilidi (Flagstaff) to Naʼnízhoozhí (Gallup), up to   Shiprock then  Chinle and Window Rock, what a trip!  Most of the time we were sleeping on a hard floor or an old sofa bed with the springs poking out, but sharing at churches and seeing the young people and adults getting excited about what they can do to help eachother was well worth  the floor and couchsurffing.

~ Rob and Michelle Nickles

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Snow in Flagstaff

Here we sit in the scared mountains surrounding Flagstaff, AZ. We have been snowed in all weekend, with over two feet of snow, and horrid colds on  top of that.  Ahh, such is the life of missionaries.  Soon a friend should be able to rescue us, and we can get out to get cold meds at last.  Ran out prior to the roads being good enough to get out.

~ Rob and Michelle