Wow, what a week. Last Sunday through Wednesday we were swamped with children and teens for our church's (
First Baptist Church of Thoreau) summer basketball camp. We had 13 salvation/re-dedications (plus a few more that we didn't get names), and 30-40 young people every day.

We had at first planned to just give them snacks, juice, and water, but the Lord provided for us in away that only He can get the credit for. Every day we were able to feed these youth full meals, plus snacks with donations and food that was provided for us. If any stomachs left hungry, it was because they did not eat what they were given, not that the Lord did not provide! PTL!

We were sad to see the team from Crossfire leave, but with more outreaches, including another basketball camp later in July, we have much to prepare for as the summer moves forward.
Keep Robby and me in prayer as we seek God as to how He wants us to serve even more.
~ Rob and Michelle