We have left for Flagstaff, AZ stopping off at Broken Arrow Bible Ranch to work for the last week of this summer of 2010! Flagstaff lies just beyond the southwestern boarder of the Navajo Rez, and was nested in the southwestern scared mountains of Dine Bikeyah called the San Francisco Peaks. We are going be to get more training to aid us in our ministry, while going out to other locations like Gallup and Kayenta, and maybe others.
Flagstaff is an awesome city, a mix of Hippyishness with Old Westerness meeting in a modern college town, and though it is beautiful, and traditionally part of Dine Bikeyah, it still is not "Home". After a year dwelling here we hope to return to Broken Arrow Bible Ranch for a summer, and hope to settle in the eastern part of Dine Bikeyah.
What does this journey hold for us next? Little do we know, save He who created all of Heaven and Earth, tis He who charts our course and show us the path to walk,.. May we His servants but listen to His guidance, and follow His path.
~ Rob and Michelle

What does this journey hold for us next? Little do we know, save He who created all of Heaven and Earth, tis He who charts our course and show us the path to walk,.. May we His servants but listen to His guidance, and follow His path.
~ Rob and Michelle